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to Coal City United Methodist Church

Sunday Worship Services
8:00am - Worship Service
9:15am - Sunday School for all ages
10:30am - Worship Service

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This Week At CCUMC:

Sunday, April 14

* Native American Ministries Sunday & Special Offering

8:00am - Worship Service

9-10:15am - Fellowship Time

9:15am - Sunday School for all ages

10:30am - Worship Service

5-7:00p - Youth Group

8:00pm - AA in the community building

Monday, April 15

9-11:00am - Coal City Food Pantry Food Distribution

6:30pm - Beginners Bible Study in the Adult SS room

Tuesday, April 16

9:00am - Disciple Bible Study in the Adult SS room

6:00pm - Disciple Bible Study in the Adult SS room

Wednesday, April 17

9:00am - Women’s Bible Study in the Adult SS room

9-11:00am - Weaving mats for the homeless

6:00pm - Lay Leadership Committee in the Adult SS room

Thursday, April 18

1-3:00pm - Coal City Food Pantry Food Distribution

6:00pm - Bell Choir Rehearsal

7:00pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal

Friday, April 19

* Church Office Closed

Saturday, April 20

6:00pm - Narcotics Anonymous in the community building

Sunday, April 21

8:00am - Worship Service

9-10:15am - Fellowship Time

9:15am - Sunday School for all ages

10:30am - Worship Service

5-7:00pm - Youth Group

8:00pm - AA in the community building

Upcoming Events!


Craft & Vendor Show

Crafters and vendors are wanted for our upcoming vendor show on April 27! This event is being planned/sponsored by the Moms Group. Please contact Stephanie Sarff at 815-685-1709 for an application. Table fees are $25.00 for church members and $50.00 for non-members. All money raised from the table fees will help sponsor children for Vacation Bible School.


Adult Mission Trip

May 27-31, adults-only trip. If interested, we have spots for 3 males and 4 females. Reserve your spot $50. If you plan to go, please let Pastor Jay know as soon as possible!


Vacation Bible School

Camp Firelight VBS will be held June 18-21 from 9am until noon. All kids entering 1st through 5th grades welcome.

The Coal City United Methodist Church is a multi-generational church family that welcomes children, seniors, and those in between to exciting worship, study, and fellowship experiences.

Some have been members of the Coal City community and the United Methodist Church their whole lives. Others have recently moved to our area and found a home among us. All are welcome.

From the children's moment where the children of our church hear a message in a language they can understand; to carefully crafted biblically based sermons that speak to our current reality as youth and adults; to a variety of high-caliber musical expressions of our faith from classical to contemporary, from organ to oboe, from piano to projected multi-media experiences, there is a place for you in worship. Our services are on the traditional side of blended - familiar, comfortable, but far from stuffy.

All are welcome here.

With choices from Bible studies, to women's groups, chancel choir to bell choir, and more - there are so many ways to be an active part of the CCUMC community.

The mission of the Coal City United Methodist Church is to be a sanctuary where prayer, worship, acts of mercy and study of scripture
empower persons to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.

To subscribe to our weekly and monthly newsletter via email, please email us at:

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